$38 an Hour Is How Much a Year? Is It a Good Salary or Not?

Last updated on February 16th, 2024 at 05:22 am

In this post, you’ll learn that $38 an hour is how much a year.

In addition to that:

How much it’s semiannually, quarterly, monthly, biweekly, and weekly?

How much after-tax income you receive?

What will be your income after adjusting it for unpaid time off?

An example of a monthly budget and tips to live on a 38-an-hour salary.

There are several other questions discussed in the article you may find helpful. 

So let’s jump straight into it. 

Note: before going to the actual calculations let’s first answer some questions. 

How many full-time working days in a year in the USA?

In the United States, a full-time workweek typically consists of 40 hours. Assuming you work 5 days a week, that would mean there are approximately 260 full-time working days in a year (52 weeks * 5 days).

How many full-time work weeks in a year in the USA?

There are 52 work weeks in a year. A full-time worker would work for 52 weeks in a year.

Average part-time working hours people work in the USA

Part-time working hours can vary greatly depending on the individual and the industry. On average, part-time workers in the USA work around 20-29 hours per week. For our calculations, we will assume a part-time worker works 25 hours per week.

$38 an hour is how much a year Full-time and part-time

To calculate the annual earnings for someone earning $38 an hour, we can multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours worked in a year. For full-time workers, this would be: 

$38 * 8 hours * 260 days = $79,040/year

For part-time workers, the calculation would be: 

$38 * 5 hours * 260 days = $49,400/year

$38 an hour is How Much a Year After Taxes

When considering your annual earnings, it’s important to factor in taxes. The amount of taxes you pay can vary depending on your income level and location. 

As a general estimate, let’s assume a tax rate of 20%. To calculate your annual earnings after taxes, you can multiply your pre-tax earnings by (1 – tax rate). For someone earning $38 an hour, their annual earnings after taxes would be: 

$79,040 * (1 – 0.20) = $63,232 full-time

$38 an hour is how much semiannually, full-time, and part-time

If you’re curious about your earnings on a semiannual basis, you can divide your annual earnings by 2. 

For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their semiannual earnings would be $79,040 / 2 = $39,520

For part-time workers, it would be $49,400 / 2 = $24,700.

$38 an hour is how much quarterly full-time and part-time

To calculate your earnings every quarter, you can divide your annual earnings by 4. For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their quarterly earnings would be $79,040 / 4 = $19,760. For part-time workers, it would be $49,400 / 4 = $12,350.

$38 an hour is how much a month full-time and part-time

If you prefer to think in terms of monthly earnings, you can divide your annual earnings by 12. 

For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their monthly earnings would be $79,040 / 12 = $6,586.67

For part-time workers, it would be $49,400 / 12 = $4,116.67.

$38 an hour is how much biweekly full-time and part-time

On a biweekly basis, you can divide your annual earnings by 26.

For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their biweekly earnings would be $79,040 / 26 = $3,040.

For part-time workers, it would be $49,400 / 26 = $1,900.

$38 an hour is how much a week? Full-time and part-time

For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their weekly earnings would be $38 * 40 hours = $1,520.

For part-time workers, their weekly earnings would be $38 * 25 hours = $950.

$38 an hour is how much a day Full-time and part-time

If you’re curious about your daily earnings, you can divide your weekly earnings by the number of working days in a week. For full-time workers earning $38 an hour, their daily earnings would be $1,520 / 5 days = $304. For part-time workers, their daily earnings would be $950 / 5 days = $190.

Hourly to Annual Salary Converter

$38 an hour is How Much a Year of Paid Time Off and Unpaid Time Off

To calculate your annual earnings, it’s important to consider the time off you may take throughout the year. 

In the United States, there are several major federal holidays where most employees have the day off. These holidays include: 

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Let’s calculate the amount for 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, and 5 weeks off. 

To adjust the annual full-time gross income for different durations of unpaid time off, you can use the following formula:

Adjusted Income = (Annual Income / Total Weeks in a Year) * (Total Weeks in a Year – Weeks of Unpaid Time Off)

Assuming a standard work year of 52 weeks, you can calculate the adjusted income for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = (79040 / 52) * (52 – 1) = $1,515.38
  • Adjusted Income = (79040 / 52) * (52 – 2) = $1,458.46
  • Adjusted Income = (79040 / 52) * (52 – 3) = $1,401.54
  • Adjusted Income = (79040 / 52) * (52 – 4) = $1,344.62
  • Adjusted Income = (79040 / 52) * (52 – 5) = $1,287.69

Now here is the adjusted amount of annual salary: 

1 week of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = $76,492.31

2 weeks of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = $77,169.23

3 weeks of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = $77,846.15

4 weeks of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = $78,523.08

5 weeks of unpaid time off:

  • Adjusted Income = $79,200

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38-an-hour monthly budget example using after-tax income

From the above after-tax income of $63,232 the monthly disposable is calculated as $5,269.33 which is around $5,270. 

Now here is a monthly budget example for this income: 

Property Insurance$40
Property Taxes$40
Car payment$160
Health Insurance
Monthly premium$130
Streaming services$15
Dining out$50
Remaining Income:$2,770
Emergency fund$800
Retirement fund$1000
General savings$970

Is $38 an hour a good salary?

It depends on your location, cost of living, and personal financial goals. The per capita income of the USA is $80,412.41 for 2023. On the other hand, the household income of the US will be $67,521 in 2023 and the majority of states data is between $50,000 to $90,000 range. 

So that means 38 dollars per hour or $79,040 a year is a good salary. You can live a comfortable life. Keep in mind that in higher cost-of-living areas you’ve to make a monthly budget and use proper money management tricks. Otherwise, it’s enough to live. 

Is $38 an hour a livable wage?

Yes, it is a livable wage and can provide you with a lot of comfort with facilities. As from the above statistics it’s near the per capita income and higher than the average household income in most states inside the USA. 

How Much Rent Can I Afford at 38 Dollars Per Hour Salary?

Financial experts often recommend allocating no more than 30% of your income towards housing expenses when determining how much rent you can afford. 

Based on a $38 per hour salary, you can calculate the maximum amount you can spend on rent. Just multiply your monthly after-tax salary by 30% and you get the answer. Here it is:

$5,270 * 0.3 = $1,581

That means the maximum amount of rent you can spend is $1,581 per month. 

Can you live off of a $38-dollar-an-hour salary?

Yes, you can live off a $38-dollar-an-hour salary, but it depends on your lifestyle, expenses, and financial goals. Creating a budget, prioritizing your spending, and making smart financial decisions can help you live comfortably within your means. 

Tips to Live on a $38 per Hour Wage Rate

Living on a $38 per hour wage rate requires careful financial planning and budgeting. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your income:

  1. Create a budget: Track your expenses and prioritize your spending to ensure you’re meeting your financial goals.
  2. Save and invest: Set aside a portion of your income for savings and investments to build a secure financial future.
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses: Identify areas where you can reduce spending and eliminate unnecessary expenses.
  4. Look for ways to increase your income: Consider taking on additional work or exploring opportunities for career advancement to increase your earning potential.
  5. Take advantage of discounts and rewards: Look for discounts, coupons, and rewards programs that can help you save money on everyday expenses.
  6. Plan for emergencies: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and protect yourself from financial difficulties.

Ways to Increase Your Hourly Wage from $38 Per Hour

If you’re looking to increase your hourly wage from $38 per hour, here are some strategies you can consider:

  1. Enhance your skills: Invest in your education and training to acquire new skills or improve existing ones. This can make you more valuable to employers and potentially lead to higher-paying job opportunities.
  2. Negotiate for a raise: If you believe you deserve a higher wage, prepare a case for yourself and discuss it with your employer. Be confident and highlight your contributions to the company.
  3. Seek promotions or new job opportunities: Look for opportunities within your current company for advancement or explore job openings that offer a higher wage.
  4. Consider additional sources of income: Explore part-time or freelance work that can supplement your current wage.
  5. Network and build connections: Networking can open doors to new opportunities and help you connect with people who can guide you toward higher-paying positions.

Jobs that pay a $38-an-hour wage rate in the USA

Various jobs in the United States offer a wage rate of $38 an hour or higher. Some examples include:

  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Software Developer
  3. Electrician
  4. Dental Hygienist
  5. Physical Therapist
  6. Financial Analyst
  7. Air Traffic Controller
  8. Construction Manager
  9. Occupational Therapist
  10. Aerospace Engineer

These are just a few examples, and many other professions pay a competitive wage rate of $38 an hour or more.

Ahmad Ali