$31 An Hour Is How Much a Year? Is It a Good And Livable Salary?

Last updated on February 18th, 2024 at 06:32 am

In this post, you’ll learn that $31 an hour is how much a year is.

In addition to that:

How much money do you make for different time frames?

What will be expected after-tax income?

Is it a good salary, and can you live on it?

How do you make a monthly budget at this wage rate?

What tips do you follow to live on a 31-dollar-an-hour wage?

Is it a livable wage, and how much rent can you afford?

Plus much more.

So let’s get into the post.

$31 An Hour Is How Much A Year Full-Time And Part-Time

If you work full-time, which typically consists of 40 hours per week, you would earn $64,480 in a year. Multiply 31 dollars by the work hours in a year.

Working hours per year = 40 x 52 weeks = 2080

Yearly salary (full-time) =31 x 2080 working hours = $64,480

For those working part-time, the number of hours you work per week will determine your annual earnings. Let’s say you work 20 hours per week; that would amount to $32,240 in a year. Again, multiply your hourly rate by the number of hours in a year.

Working hours per year = 20 x 52 weeks = 1040

Yearly salary (full-time) =31 x 1040 working hours = $32,240

Hence, you’ll make $64,480 a year before tax as full-time and $32,240 a year as part-time, working 20 hours a week.

$31 An Hour Is How Much A Year After Taxes

It’s important to consider taxes when calculating your annual earnings. The amount of taxes you pay will vary depending on your tax bracket and any deductions you may have. As a general estimate, you can expect to lose around 17% to 18% of your gross income to taxes.

Using the Smart Assets tax calculator, if we assume a 17.65% tax rate, you earn an after-tax income of $53,101 if you work full-time. That means you pay $11,379 in taxes.

Tax TypeMarginal Tax RateEffective Tax Rate2023 Taxes
Total Income Taxes17.65%$11,379
Income After Taxes$53,101
Retirement Contributions$0
Take-Home Pay$53,101

After-tax salary (full time) = $64,480 – 17.65% of $64,480 = $53,101

For part-time workers, the gross earnings are $32,240, so using the SMAE calculator, we can assume a tax rate of 13.81%. So the after-tax earnings would be around $27,787.

Tax TypeMarginal Tax RateEffective Tax Rate2023 Taxes
Total Income Taxes13.81%$4,453
Income After Taxes$27,787
Retirement Contributions$0
Take-Home Pay$27,787

After-tax salary (part-time) = $32,240 – 13.81% of $32,240 = $27,787

Hence, as a full-time worker, you’ll earn $53,101/year after taxes, while as a part-time worker, you’ll make $27,787/year, respectively.

$31 An Hour Is How Much Semiannually, Full-Time, And Part-Time

It’s simply a matter of multiplying your hourly rate by the number of hours you work in six months. For full-time workers, multiply 31 dollars by 1,040 (40 hours per week multiplied by 26 weeks), resulting in $32,240.

There are 26 work weeks in a year, so now the semiannual working hours are:

Semiannual working hours = 40 x 26 weeks = 1040.

Semiannual salary (full-time) =31 x 1040 working hours = $32,240

Now the working hours of a part-time employee are half, so you would earn half the amount, which is $16,120. Here is the breakdown:

Semiannual part-time work hours = 20 x 26 weeks = 520.

Semiannual salary (part-time) =31 x 520 working hours = $16,120

Hence, you’ll make a gross salary of $32,240 as a full-time employee and $16,120 as a part-time employee.

$31 An Hour Is How Much Full-Time And Part-Time

Every quarter, full-time workers at 31 dollars an hour would earn $15,600. It is calculated by multiplying your hourly rate by the number of hours you work in a quarter. The quarterly working hours for a full-time employee are 520 hours. Here is the breakdown:

Full-time work hours = 40 x 13 weeks = 520.

Quarterly salary (full-time) =31 x 520 working hours = $16,120

Here are the working hours and salary, which both become half. For part-time workers, the quarterly earnings would be $8,060.

Quarterly part-time work hours = 20 x 13 weeks = 260

Quarterly salary (part-time) =31 x 260 working hours = $8,060

Hence, you’ll make $16,120 a quarter as a full-time worker and $8,060 as a part-time worker.

$31 An Hour Is How Much A Month Full-Time And Part-Time

If you’re interested in knowing your monthly earnings, simply multiply your hourly rate by the number of hours you work in a month. For full-time workers, multiply 31 dollars by 173.33 hours, resulting in $5,373.

Working hours per month = 2080/12 = 173.333 hours

Monthly salary fulltime = $31 x 173.333 working = $5,373

For part-time workers, the monthly earnings would be $2,687.

Monthly part-time work hours = 20 x 4.33 weeks = 86.665

Monthly salary (part-time) =31 x 86.665 working hours = $2,687

Hence, you’ll earn $5,373 as a full-time worker and $2,687 as a part-time worker.

$31 An Hour Is How Much Biweekly Full-Time And Part-Time

On a biweekly basis, full-time workers at 31 dollars an hour would earn $2,480. It is calculated by multiplying $31 by the number of hours you work in two weeks.

Biweekly working hours = 10 days x 8 hours per day = 80 hours

Bi-weekly salary = 80 work hours x $31 = $2,480

For part-time workers, the biweekly earnings would be $1,240.

Biweekly work hours (part-time) = 10 days x 4 hours per day = 40 hours.

Biweekly salary part-time = 40 work hours x $31 = $1240

Hence, biweekly, as a full-time employee, you’ll make $2480, while a part-time worker will make $1240.

$31 An Hour Is How Much A Week? Full-Time And Part-Time

Biweekly, a full-time worker would earn $1,240.

Weekly salary full time = $31 x 40 hours = $1240

On the other hand, a part-time worker would earn $620, which is $31 multiplied by 20 hours.

Weekly salary part-time = $31 x 20 = $620

$31 An Hour Is How Much A Day Full-Time And Part-Time

For those curious about their daily earnings, full-time workers at $31 an hour would earn $248.

Daily earnings = $31 x 8 hours = $248.

Part-time workers, working 4 hours a day, would earn $124.

Daily-earnings part-time = $31 x 4 hours = $124


Time FrameFull-time SalaryPart-time Salary
Daily$248 (approx.)$124 (approx.)

Hourly To Annual Salary Calculator

If you want to quickly calculate your annual salary based on your hourly rate, you can use an hourly-to-annual salary calculator. Simply enter your hourly rate, click calculate, and the calculator will do the math for you. This can be a handy tool to help you plan and budget your finances.